Mitsunami Co., Ltd. Mitsunami Co., Ltd.

Mitsunami Co., Ltd.


Basic Principles

In order to contribute to the development of society and prosperity of humankind together with customers, Mitsunami Co., Ltd. is positively committed to environmental improvement related to its business activities as a general electronics company and strives to become a company that can give customers complete satisfaction and win high confidence from the society.

Environmental policy

  1. Mitsunami Co., Ltd. shall consistently recognize the environmental aspect involved in its own business activities, products, services, and with seeking to control containing chemicals, continually improve in all places of business, and pursue activities related to environmental conservation.
  2. Mitsunami Co., Ltd. shall be committed to the following as priority items for its business activities, products, and services:
    (1)  Marketing of products and provision of services with the environment taken into account;
    (2)  Promotion of resource and energy conservation in business activities;
    (3)  Promotion of waste reduction;
  3. Mitsunami Co., Ltd. shall go ahead with providing complete education to all staff working at and for the organization and review objectives and targets every year in order for all staff working at and for the organization to deploy activities with the environment taken into account, and to carrying forward continual improvement of the performance
  4. Mitsunami Co., Ltd. shall strictly observe legal regulations related to the Company’s business activities and other requirements which the Company agree to.Every officer and employee (including dispatched personnel, part-timers, etc.) working on Mitsunami premises and working for Mitsunami is expected to follow this policy and shall familiarize him and herself with the policy through in-house training, in-house publications, and others. Mitsunami will officially announce its environmental policy to the outside of the company, too.

Mitsunami Co., Ltd.

Representative Director and President

Masaharu Watanabe

Scope of application

As an electronics general trading company, we have headquarter, Kanto Sales Office, Nakatokyo Sales Office,Kansai sales office, Distribution center. It will be applied to 5 offices.

① Headquarter: 2-30-11 Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
② Kanto Sales Office: PRS Building 3F, 1-40 Takahanacho, Omiyaku, Saitama City, Saitama
③ Nakatokyo Sales Office: 4F Awajicho MH BLDG.,2-21-1 Kandaawaji-cho,Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
④ Kansai Sales Office: 7F, Shin-Osaka Ueno Toyo Building, 7-4-17 Nishinakajima, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka
⑤ Distribution Center 3-16-21 Miyashita, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa

Registration number: 3066
Registered name: Mitsunami Co., Ltd.
Registered establishments: Domestic Buisiness Divisions(Tokyo, Omiya, Osaka, Sagamihara)
Registration date: August 25, 2004
Applicable Standard No.: ISO14001:2015
Accreditation organization: BM TRADA

UKAS 0012 ISO14001 ISO14001